Welcome to a unique journey ahead.
Who didn’t dream as a child to have some way to travel in time? Or to be able to lift your arms and take to the skies as Superman did?
This website is a resource where you can find lots of information such as movies and literature with reviews for you to really get the best experience in time travel.
We will also see how the concept of time travel began by uncovering real stories and facts which can lead us to think that time travel may not be impossible at all. Maybe there is something we are yet to uncover and some of these stories will have you thinking twice.
Is It A Myth Or Is It Fact?
So actually, what has been questioned for centuries as a myth could be something we do not yet know. What do you think?
Either way, I will shed some light on this subject. So join me on this wonderful journey ahead.
Many people have documented that time travel has been related to historical or religious events, but together we will uncover some of these facts and shed a new light on time travel.
Let me assure you, I am not a scientist and I am not going to sit here and bombard you with science lectures and the physics of time travel.
You will find this site entertaining as well as providing you lots of facts and figures as well as a lot of resources in the way of entertainment.
The idea of living in parallel universes and travelling in time can be truly fascinating for everyone.
Please feel free to browse my website pages and uncover the mystery of time travel in an enjoyable way. Of course, if there is something you want to know or ask, just drop me a message below and I will get right back to you.
Thanks for reading and enjoy. Don’t forget there are many posts which I write regularly as I add to this site and they can all be found under the categories section on the right side
Ahh great site…
I have also wondered what it would be like to travel in time…
I will bookmark you and see how you bring this amazing subject to life.
thank you very much:) i will try give people some interesting information and i hope you will enjoy it:). any idea is welcomed:)
The concept of time travel fascinates me, as I’m sure it does many others.
I’m an elder lemon and one of my favourite shows when I was a kid back in the 60s was ‘The Time Tunnel’. That’s probably where my fascination started.
I’m looking forward to checking in to this site as it develops as I’m sure it will be really interesting.
Anyone remember ‘The Time Tunnel’?
thank you ,
this is a film i did not watch
i will take it in consideration:)thank you again and talk to you soon
Time travel
one of my childhood dream!
We as humans are great beings and I believe that whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.
We have yet to tap into the mind and figure out what we can truly do. Imagine when we start to use more than half of our brains?! When I consider what we have managed to achieve in our human history, it is quite fascinating.
I remember watching tv shows like Star Trek and back to the future for example; where there were thing in those movies that were thought to be impossible but look at what we are doing now! Science fiction have now become reality.
It will take some time of course for us to reach really high levels in life but I am sure that we can do it. I will keep my eye out for the next big discovery in my lifetime. I only wish I could stick around to see it all (or maybe I can)
I am looking forward to more of your views on this time travel phenomenon!
All the best to you and talk soon,
thank you Jason.i will bring here to life many of these discoveries and also true stories . i hope you will find it interesting . talk to you soon.
Who hasn’t dreamed of time travel? I love the subject, I love the theories, its so magical! And popular culture just teams with stories of it, so wonderful. Here’s a video of a favourite artist of mine, Declan O’Rourke, with a song called Time Machine; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZobP6M6w8q4 Its beautiful. Thank for the site, I’ll keep an eye on it
thank you very much , song is beautiful:) i hope you will enjoy the information i will bring here and any ideas… i wait for your comments:))))
You are definitely right, I have often dreamed of time travel and have enjoyed a lot of different movies that have involved it in one way or another. A few years back they did a remake of the Time Machine and I thought that was a great movie! Looking forward to finding out what other movies I may have missed.
i hope i can help you with this and i will bring here reviews and information about many movies and general about the concept. thank you and talk to you soon
Time travel is definitely exhilarating. To think of traveling in a different place and time; I could spend a whole day imagining the places I would go.
I love this site, I don’t like to get too “technical or scientific” just have fun with it and you have made a good spot for those like me!
I’m going to have to follow to see if one day I will be able to go back to the day my third child was born and change the path I chose from then up until about 9 years ago!
Thank you for the great “escape” in my mind!
thank you and i will keep this site simple , with stories and information in a way that everybody can understand them and enjoy:)). i am sure one day soon will be possible time travel:)))
Hello Cristina
What a fascinating topic! Who hasn’t thought about going back in time to either alter or our past or meet an historical figure. Keep up the good work and I will visit again in the future.
Have a Glorious day,
Thank you so much
.IN the future?:) future present and past are taking place in the same time says Einstein
Once again thank you
and you will see in my following material what i am talking about :))
I always thought that if you could travel faster than the speed of light, you would be able to see back in time. So, say if you went out to space at 5 x the speed of light, once you have gone out far enough, and looked back to Earth, you would be seeing the light arriving to you from before you actually left!!
Not quite time travel, but close.
Very interesting website.
Good idea to talk about
thank you and i will cover this subject in one of my posts , thank you again :))
This is such an interesting topic, what little kid and even many adults doesn’t dream of traveling to another time. Looking forward to reading more of your articles!
thank you
and i hope you will enjoy my posts. i will bring here many information:))
Fantastic website! And yes many people including myself had asked themselves if time travel do exist. I am also interested in the topic of teleportation. I know I am not a kid, but maybe because we live in the US, and my family is in Europe, I do wish teleportation exists. Often we make jokes in my house that if teleportation is possible our life would have been so much exciting. I did read that Rosicrucians (well some of them) did know about it and practiced it…who knows… I would love to find out more about it and if someone knows how to do it to please contact me:)
hello there:)m you don t have to be a kid to like these things:) i love it:) teleportation can be possible with the help of holograms:) but
thanks for another good idea to talk about:)))
Hi Cristina let’s keep those dreams alive and find a truth to the mysteries! Wouldn’t it be fantastic to visit a time when the world was free of all the conflict that currently surrounds us or a time when people were not destroying our beautiful planet. I look forward to reading more
it would be amazing:)) and i hope we are close:))) in the following articles you will see more :))
Hi, interesting site. I was curious what you think of David Lewis Anderson? He seems fairly credible and his work with time warp field technology looks fascinating. He doesn’t seem to be that well known though and was wondering what your take on him was? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIXpg7DVkUo
thank you for your comment and i will answer to your question with one of my next articles:)) thanks again
Time travelling? Sign me up on this. I had a bad past and would want to correct those. If this is true or became true, would you let me know! Seriously!
for sure you will be the first to know :))) i hope it will be possible soon:)
The idea of living in a parallel universe really is a neat idea and what an incredible idea for a website. I love it. Can’t wait to read more from you. I love books so I think I will check out your recommendations there next. Thank you!
than you very much and i will bring you here many information. you will find a large number of books reviews and films:) and many other interesting articles:) thank you
What an interesting topic… and yes at the moment my 4 year old daughter is obsessed with being able to fly. She truly believes she can, she just hasn’t learned how.
:))) like all the children
but is good for her to see time travel movies as back to the future:) help her fantasy to develop :)))thank you 
When I was younger I always wondered if it is possible to travel back or forward in time. Great site and subject !
Me too and this is the reason i choose this subject:))
Cristina, Great subject! Remember Quantam leap? I loved that show!!
yes:) Great show :)))) It starred Scott Bakula if I remember?
Wow! You are topping up the chats on a rare niche. Time travelling is a subject rarely discussed but felt in the media through the many movies we’ve watched. I love your website and the simplicity with which you’ve arranged the pages. It is quite engaging and I felt comfortable going through your posts.
I look forward to future updates on this rare subject. Keep up with the good work Cristina.
thank you very much for reading
and soon I will bring more articles. I hope you will enjoy it as the site develop:)
Really interesting subject Christina, I have always been interested in this stuff since very young, time traveling, astral traveling, dreaming in colour, anything to do with the unknown.
It`s a fascinating subject and could be very rewarding down the line, it`s something that can make good conversation anywhere really.
You have put together a very nice site and there will be plenty of people interested in this stuff.
Well done and good fortune for the future.
thank you a lot for reading and I try my best to bring as much information as possible, simple and enjoyable:))
wow this website is amazing.I take my hat off to you Cristina wonderful job
thanks for reading and for you nice words:) I am glad that you enjoyed it and I will try my best to bring more interesting information :)))have a nice day and wait for you soon for the next articles:)
Hi Cristina,
I always enjoy movies about time travel…The Fly, Quantum Leap etc…
I personally believe that I was here on earth before, as I “inherited” certain skills that I cannot have got from genetics! Not quite time travel, more like re-incarnation, but I think we will still learn how to move into different realm in the bot too distant future!
Thanks for a wonderful site…see you back here in the future!
that was nice:))) see yo back to the future:) thanks for reading and i am glad that you like it:)) you really believe in reincarnation?
Very nice website lay out! You chose a very interesting topic, one of which I find fascinating! Nice work Christina. I’ll be bookmarking this site for sure!
thanks for your nice words and i am happy that you enjoyed my review:)) if you bookmark it you will read more reviews and i am always happy to see your opinion :))
Nice works, work to get niche of your website
I think it is a wonderful idea, giving good advice, how to spend free time sounds good, i find some interesting suggestions to me. hope others will find also, thanks for Cristina hope you ar doing well. wish you good luck
thanks for your nice words and I hope you will have a nice time watching some of the movies I wrote about :)) have a nice evening and when you will decide tell me what you choose:))
Thanks for your comment and i am here to help if you have any question :))
Hi Cristina, have always thought time travel a possibility.
Something to look at if you have not already.
Thanks, Wayne is very interesting video. Me too I believe it’s possible. Thanks for sharing with me this video.Molecule of time, atom of time….really interesting idea.I believe that with the help of the black holes is possible. About time travel to the future i am almost sure but what about traveling in past?. what do you think?Nice video
Have a nice day.
Hi Cristina,
My perception of time is that the past, present, and future exist around us in all the moments that we are existing.
So travelling into the past seems like a possibility also.
Wayne, take care and have a good weekend.
hello Wayne:)
have a nice weekend too .
I agree with you ..what is time? there is time or is just a human perception? Thanks for visiting my site
past present and future and 3 different things or ..just time and we are able to travel to past and future when we want?
Hi Cristina, am curious as to how you perceive time around you, do you think civilization created it or has it always been in the universe.
I think that time it was always there, the fourth dimension, in its way.Just I think that the way humans see time, the name TIME ..is just our perception.What is time depends always on how each person sees it…of how you live your life. What is actually time? Because is not touchable doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.What do you think? My opinion is that time exist, is a dimension as the other three:) Thanks for visiting my site
and I would love to know your opinion.
I like the idea and the concept you are building this site on.
From your introduction it sounds like you will have some very interesting topics covering time traveling.
I am kind of curious what inspired you to do a site about time traveling?
I can’t wait to read about some of the movies and literature that you will using.
Thank you so much
Thank you and i wait you in this wonderful journey:) I hope you will enjoy it and you will find many interesting things to read.
Have a good day and lets make this journey pleasant;
Hi Christina,
I have a story to share regarding a portal / time travel. This happened around 48hrs ago and I am still trying to make sense of it.
Hello there, i am looking forward to hear your story, pls email me:) Thanks