Another time travel movie, but not all about science, black holes and quantum physics. Here I want to tell you about the About Time Film. A nice romantic comedy released in August 2013, it is a British production and the story of a young boy who could travel in time.
The film was directed and written by Richard Curtis and had mostly good reviews from the critics.
About Time
The movie About Time follows a young man named Tim Lake from Cornwall, who at the age of 21 discovers his ability to travel through time. He tries to fix some areas in his life (for example his relationship with Mary) and to make his life better. He thinks by having a girlfriend his life will be on the up. He can travel only to places he has already been in the past.
Trying to prevent some things happening, he stops some good things in his life and he finds himself in a never ending situation. Tim has some attempts to fix situations by travelling into the past, but they do not end well for him or his family. So, will he just accepted this in the end?
His father is very ill with cancer and he tells Tim a secret which is not to change his past, but simply to live the day twice, almost the same.To enjoy every day a full life.
Domhnall Gleeson – Tim lake Lindsay Duncan – Mary Lake
Rachel McAdams – Mary Bill Nighy – James Lake
And of course other talented actors:)
Best Romance Poste – Golden Trailer Awards 2014
Best Supporting Actor – UFCA Award 2013 for Bill Nighy
TV Audience award for best European Film – San sebastian International Film Festival 2013
If you want a small taste you can watch the trailer below.
Although this movie has had very mixed reviews, personally I found it really enjoyable. If you are a time travel movie fan than I recommend you take a look at it.
Maybe you have already seen it and want to have your say?
Just let me know in the comments below!
==> For further reading , more reviews, viewing and even buying click below and you will find many choices<==
- More Time Travel Movies
- Time Travel Movies
- Back To The Future
Very nice message from the film. We are often time either too caught up in the past, or worrying about our future. We tend to forget that the past is over and the future is yet to come, what we really have is ‘now’.
Let’s just cherish the people around us and take time to enjoy what we have. Cheers!
Hello Grace,
I think you are right , we have to learn to live the present..The most important moment. Now is what we have as you say and is good to cherish the day, the persons that we love. Tomorrow they may not be here.
Thanks for reading my article and hope to see you back soon on my site.
I have seen the movie time machine but not watched this time travel movie. I always like to watch a scientific and adventure movie and I found this movie is interesting. I believe it will be interesting to my other friends also. I am so happy that it can be purchased on line. Thanks for sharing this information.
So you should watch it together with your friends:) have a good time and tell me if you liked it.
I have been following your articles about the movies and i have also been watching every one of them you have suggested so far. They are all great. This About Time film sounds really interesting. It is good to know that it is going to be a bit different from other time travelling movies. Thank you so much for sharing this article with us,
Hello there,
I am happy to see a time travel fan here on my site 🙂
Thanks for following my articles and i hope you enjoy each of them. Yes About Time is a very interesting story and a little bit different than the usual time travel concept.
Watch the movie and tell me your opinion:)
Have a great time.
See you
Thank you so much for introducing me to this time travel movie – I’ve been addicted to good Sci-Fi movies since I was a kid, and I love the topic of time travel.
On that subject, have you had time to watch ‘Alistair1918’ yet? It’s an indie movie released in 2015 and it’s shot in the Found Footage format – excellent time travel story?
Hello Chris, to be honest i haven’t watch this movie. i will try to find it .Thanks for your suggestion.
Thanks for reading my article and i also have been a sci-fi fan all my life.
Hope to have you back on this site for more time travel news:)
Hi Cristina! Thank you for suggesting this film. The plot is interesting. I had never thought in that possibility: when the main character of the film “fixes” some things in the past, he may also “ruin” other things. Yeah, it could be a never ending situation.But I believe time travel films should make us think of not only enjoying each day (although it should be that way), but also induce us to be thoughtful with each important decision we take.
Hello Henry,
You are totally right, every small decision, not only the important once can change the course of our life and not only.
As you say we have to enjoy every moment like the last one.
I am glad that you liked my review and if you are interested in Time travel films you have many more here:)
Nice to meet you and hope to see you soon back here.
Hi Cristina,
Thank you for sharing the time travel movie – About Time.
I like to watch time travel, aliens from outer space movies :). Your site is full of interesting information which I will sure to come back for more.
About time travel, sometimes things happened for a reason. If we try to travel to the past to fix them, it will create an unbalance situation.
Hello Christine,
i am sure in life everything happens for a reason and even the smallest things.
I am glad that you enjoyed my article and i hope you will have a good time browsing my site.
if you have any questions or you want more information about something related just tell me.
About time is a nice story and I sure you will like the movie.
Travelling in the past you have to think about time Time Travel Paradox Examples.
So see you back soon,
Nice to meet you.