We just can say Rest In Peace for this great mind, exceptional physicist. Stephen hawking died at the age of 76, the same day when Einstein was born. It is a coincidence or The Universe plays his role in humans fate? We just know he died peaceful, at Cambridge, in his home. He was born in the 300 anniversary of the death of Galileo and died on Einstein’s birthday. Any opinion about this?
A Few Words About This Legendary Man

Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking was a physicist, cosmologist. He was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford. His parents (Isobel and frank) despite their economical problems, both studied at Oxford University. His family placed the education at a very high value.
I will not tell you a lot about his life history just that he let us a legacy of a huge importance.
He was Director of research at the Center Of Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge University. He was also author of some great books. His book” A brief History Of Time ” broke the record for sales in the last 237 weeks. he was well known for his theories about black holes, and relativity. He believed in many worlds’ interpretation .
Stephen hawking suffered from a very rare slow progressing form of ALS ( amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) which paralyzed him. Doctors were surprised to see him with this health condition leaving until this age. His disease and the idea that he could die made him to think that are many things to be done in life. He become the great scientists we known he claimed that before be diagnosed with ALS his life was boring. Wonderful way to see the life, to let something important behind you.
A few words about this great man from his children ( he had three children) Lucy, Robert and Tim.
” He was a great scientists and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years.”
He was considered one of the Isaac Newton successors and as a Lucasian Professor of mathematics at Cambridge University he was searching for a “Unified theory” .
His beliefs
As I said in a previous post about mars, he believed that the earth is too small for us and in the next 100 years we should colonize mars, we should find another HOME.
Check this video and you will see what is his opinions about black holes and time travel
In 1974 his research about black holes showed that the black holes are not what scientist believed, a vacuum of information. he demonstrated that matter can escape the gravitational force of a black hole, in the form of radiation.
Roger Penrose was another cosmologist interested in black holes and the Creation of Universe and Hawking and him worked together on penrose earlier discoveries.
What were his theories about the beginning of Universe and what was before the Big Bang? In 2015 he stated in a conference that before the Big bang was NOTHING.he claimed that the history of Universe started as a four dimensional curved surface with no limits.
Hawking shows through his work that time travel is possible. He said that a single unifying theory can combine quantum mechanics with cosmology .
In july 2015 In a conference in London,. Stephen Hawking revealed the launch of the Russian founded project Breakthrough Listen which had the purpose to discover more details about the existence of extraterrestrial life.
His books
Stephen hawking wrote about 15 books. I will mention them here for those who are interested in his work.
In 1988 “A Brief History Of Time” is a book which had a great success, was translated in over 40 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide. In this book he offered an interview of space and time, future and the existence of god. It was a short informative book for everyone, not only scientists. In 2005, he wrote a more simple edition of ” A Brief History Of Time” . he simplified the earliest information and also mentioned his new discoveries about the string theory.
In 2001, he wrote ” The Universe In A Nutshell” which was an illustrated quide of Cosmology’s theories for everybody to understand.
Talking about the idea of God creating the Universe in 2010 Hawking wrote the book “The Grand Design”. he claimed that the Big Bang was just the consequence of the law of physics
Hawking and television
I don’t want to make you tired with many details, you probably find everything detailed in Wikipedia, I just want to write a few TV shows and movies where Stephen Hawking had his part.
He never lost his humor despide his health situation .Stephen Hawking played in a few films : The Simpsons, Strar Trek, ” Late Night” with Connon O’Brien and The brain.(2011). He played also a with Jim Carrey in a commedy.
On The Pink Floyed song Keep talking, he recorded over, his voice. In 2012 he had a part in the commedy Tv show, The Big Bang Theory. The latest one and my favorite is genius where he explain his opinion about time travel.
Hawking’s dream- space travel
In 2007, Stephen Hawking was visiting the Kenedy Space Center and at the age of 65 he tryed the non gravity . he was freed from weel chair and he was flooting and enjoying the freedom. He loved it. He said ” The Zero G part was wonderful and the high G part was no problem. I coulod have gone on and on. Space, here I come!”
My thoughts
I just want to say a huge REST IN PEACE and THANK YOU FOR YOUR LEGACY. I apreciate his will to leave, his genius and the way he lived his life, despite of so many problems. I always admired his work, i read his books and I think was a real genius.
For me he will always be an inspiration for my work and my research . So I would like to hear your thoughts and any comments are welcome.
Galileo dies , after 300 years Stephen hawking is born in the same day.
Einstein is born and in the same day Hawking dies. Genius dies, genius is born and genius die. An universe cycle.
If you are interested in his theories, in black holes , Einstein and similar things, click below and you will find information.
- Time Travel Theories
- More Books And Stories
- Stephen hawking- genius
- Theory Books
- Scientists Of Time Travel
Thanks for reading
Wow, I sometimes wonder about synchronicity (is it all really just random) when reading things like Hawking and Galileo dying on the same date as Einstein’s birthday. Crazy. Thanks for sharing more information about this incredible mind, I’m so glad he was able to have such a long life and that he never lost his humor, his cameos in comedies were always awesome.
It is not amazing? i think the Universe had a reason for all these. Like he said, Einstein also said everything happens for a reason.Thanks for visiting my site and stay close for more updates.
have a good day. cristina
He has been and will continue to be an inspiration for many people.
His story of perseverance inspires me to continue working despite any obstacles on the road. His brilliant work and legacy will be relevant for many years to come.
Regarding the birth dates and deaths of Galileo, Einstein, and Hawking it amazes me how accurate the dates are. Everything is related and has a purpose.
R.I.P Stephen Hawking.
Yes i do believe that everything happens for a reason and i do believe that every action has a reaction:)
Thanks for reading my post, and I am sure that this great man will be remembered for ever. His legacy is here to inspire us. He changed the world of science:)
Have a great day
I think his intelligence was so astounding. It is true that what you set your mind to, you can achieve-that being of his ability to live past the date that doctors hypothesized he would pass away.
I also believe that everything happens for a purpose, whether it was a coincidence that he died on a significant date, we may never know. His legacy will forever remain!
You are right and I agree> Everything happens for a reason and has a purpose,every action has a reaction. About the mystery of his date of birth and death…I really can’t answer how this happens. Coincidence?
His strong will to live helped his. he wanted his live to worth , to let something behind and he did it .
Thank you for reading and stay close for updates:)
Have a good day,
Wow, what a strange coincidence that Stephen Hawking died on the day that Einstein was born. These two men have definitely contributed a lot in the world of science. However, one notable difference between these two brilliant minds is their belief in the existence of a higher power. While Albert Einstein believed in a God who created the heavens and the earth, Stephen Hawking is known to be a hard-core atheist.
Anyway, may he rest in peace. I’m just wondering if Stephen Hawking proved himself to be right about not believing in God or has found out otherwise.
I have to say that i don’t comment on Stephen Hawking and his believes in God’s existence but for sure it is a connection between the 3 geniuses ( Galileo, Einstein and Hawking). The universe somehow bond their ways…
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He indeed was one of a kind. A genius.
To suffer with such a terrible disease and to come through all that as one of the worlds leading minds, what an achievement. He will be missed in the world of science.
Great reading..
Hello Chris,
I also admired his will to live, to do something with his life. He changed the world of science and for sure was one of the greatest minds ever, near Einstein, Newton, Tesla and other important personalities in the world of science.
Thank you for visiting my site and stay close for updates.
Have a good day.
I love time travel stories and will be back for more reading here, but I do believe that the “coincidence” of the Galileo, Einstein, Hawking trilogy is more evidence there is a plan to the universe. Of course, I do believe God made the universe. Hawking could never make that leap of faith. Thank you for the research you have done. I would never have known about this serendipity without you.
You are welcome:) and I am glad that I could give you some interesting information. Yes indeed I also think that this is not just a coincidence…one genius is born…another dies.
Thank you for reading my article and hope to see you soon on my site. If there is anything else you would like to know more about…just let me know.
Have a nice day,
Hi Cristina,
In the Hebrew language there is no word for coincidence. I too believe there is a reason and purpose for everything. I know that as a Christian, I strongly believe numbers have a great importance, after all there is a book in the bible called Numbers. It is sad that he suffered from ALS all those years. Your post was very thought provoking.
Hello Lisa, I do believe that everything happens for a reason even if in that time we don’t understand we will later.This is in everyday life but also in Universe, at a large scale. Also, we have to know that every action has a reaction. Very important.
Thanks for reading and visiting my site, and hope to see you soon.
Have a nice day
WOW! those date facts I didn’t know. Yes Stephen Hawking was an amazing man.
Everything in life happens for a reason and I know there was a reason for this.
I personally, have medical issues but this guy never let his medical issues stand in his way. He was a true inspiration.
Yes, he was an inspiration for all of us.Nothing must make you give up to your dreams, every moment in your life is precious…
Everything in out life and in Universe happens for a reason and every action has a reaction:) This is what we have to keep in our mind.
Thanks for reading and hope to see you soon.
Have a good day, and I hope we can pass your health issues easy.
Hi Cristina,
It is very impressive article. So attractive introduction ” … Stephen hawking died at the age of 76, the same day when Einstein was born … He was born in the 300 anniversary of the death of Galileo … ” is certainly captivating your audience. I am sure that such thing happened was not by accident, but has purpose. I will follow your interesting report on this great man and witness his prediction. Thanks for your efforts and sharing.
Thank you, Anthony:) I am glad that you find it interesting and captivating. Yes, I also think is more than coincidence in those dates or birth and death of the three geniuses. Is the game of Universe:)
Stay close for more updates. Hope to see you soon on my site.
Have a good day,
I didn’t know Galileo, Einstein and Hawking were all connected in birth and death by the same dates. This just seems to be too connected to be a coincidence as these are arguably three of the most important scientists of all time. Rest in peace Stephen Hawking we will all miss you!
You are right is impossible to be just coincidence> i think so , also. Thanks for reading and RIP for Stephen Hawking.
Have a good day,
This is an amazing coincidence. I would have never known that Hawking died on the same day that Einstein was born had it not been for this article. I didn’t know that Hawking thought that space travel was possible. To be honest, I have always been really skeptical that anyone could travel through space so it makes me really hopeful to hear that Hawking thought that is was possible.
Hello there,
Yes you are right is a huge coincidence the birth and the death of those geniuses but is it for sure a coincidence? Hawking believed in time and space travel and so other great minds. I hope they are right and i hope to be possible soon. You are right to be skeptical, it is something that looks more fantasy for us.
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